Tel: 1-928-614-2278
Skype: nugenmedical1
Product Offerings
Model - RITM Sport
Model - RITM Sport D
Model - RITM Pro +
Model - RITM Super Pro *
LET Medical SCENAR - Cosmodic devices
Model - EX735Ag - Slider x2
Model - EX735Ag - Slider x3 *
Model - VX735Ag
Model - VX735L
Model - PS705Ag
Model - PS705
Attachments and Probes
Two full days live training DVD's
Textbook for LET Medical
Graphic Instructions - SCENAR
Listen to the SCENAR Pro
Dr. Toni Bark SCENAR - Video 1
Dr. Toni Bark SCENAR - Video 2
All about SCENAR + Cosmodic
How SCENAR Works
What is SCENAR Therapy
Medication Free Treatment
TENS, SCENAR, Cosmodic
Using SCENAR + Cosmodic
Dr. Mike Shapow
Dr. Kieth Scott Mumby
Dr. Revenko Nickolaevich
What Doctors Say
SCENAR - Case Studies
SCENAR - Clinical Trials
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Professionally filmed two full days of live instruction
Using the SCENAR
The objective of our training courses is to expose you to Systemic Interactive Medicine, medicine beyond paradigms, which represents a new structure of health care. The core element of this structure is the individual on a healing path, who directs the treatment process. The way the therapy is organized is completely adaptive to meet the needs of this individual. A new class of Interactive medical technologies, such as SCENAR, Activation Blanket Therapy and Energy Hydrotherapy, make it possible. Our training system will familiarize you with these complementary technologies and offer you guidelines for their use alone or in combination, with the highest efficiency, whether in personal or professional application.
The great advantage of Interactive medical technologies is the relatively short time required for basic training in their use, as the decision-making component in SI Medicine in minimal. A few days of intensive training with a Master Trainer is usually enough to ensure a therapeutic outcome desirable by any health care professionals. Besides acquiring the necessary practical skills, you will learn philosophy of the therapeutic system, its theory and methodology. This will reveal the system's true potential. In asmuch as a computer can be successfully used as a typewriter, it can be much more effective if you take time to study its capabilities and receive training to use it wisely. Exploring the true potential of the technologies, you will discover a completely new world of endless possibilities. This task consumes a lot of time and effort but the results are really rewarding. Our best practitioners experience up to 95% efficiency in their practices. With the help of SI Medicine, you can create your own healing miracles.
Note: For copy and copyright protection, SCENAR Training DVD software cannot be returned for refund. If damaged upon delivery, software set will be replaced after damaged item returned.
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