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Model - RITM Sport
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LET Medical SCENAR - Cosmodic devices
Model - EX735Ag - Slider x2
Model - EX735Ag - Slider x3 *
Model - VX735Ag
Model - VX735L
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Attachments and Probes
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Textbook for LET Medical
Graphic Instructions - SCENAR
Listen to the SCENAR Pro
Dr. Toni Bark SCENAR - Video 1
Dr. Toni Bark SCENAR - Video 2
All about SCENAR + Cosmodic
How SCENAR Works
What is SCENAR Therapy
Medication Free Treatment
TENS, SCENAR, Cosmodic
Using SCENAR + Cosmodic
Dr. Mike Shapow
Dr. Kieth Scott Mumby
Dr. Revenko Nickolaevich
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L E T Medical S C E N A R and Cosmodic Treatment - Text on C D
About this text book on CD
The present text is based upon the many years' experience of application of SCENAR devices in leading Russian and foreign centers of SCENAR - therapy. Here were also used the materials from digests "SCENAR - therapy and SCENAR. - examination" and data of seven international conferences "SCENAR -therapy and SCENAR -examination".
Every word and piece of advice in the textbook is verified by the health and life of the patients, who had a chance to be treated with SCENAR.
This publication reflects advanced medical viewpoints peculiar to the progressive technologies of the XXI century.
Nevertheless, this is just a general presentation of SCENAR It is like an "ABC on SCENAR - therapy" meant for medical beginners. However, this would be interesting for both non-specialists in medicine and advanced SCENAR - therapists.
This is the first publication providing complete presentation of SCENAR.
We recommend studying these instructions carefully before starting your work with SCENAR.
All rights reserved. Any copying of this textbook or any part of it without authors' consent is strictly prohibited.
1. General idea of SCENAR
2. Contraindications
3. Indications
4. General recommendations on use
4.1 Basic terms pertaining to SCENAR - therapy
4.2 Rules of treatment
4.3 Operating modes of SCENAR -devices, electrode posing
and action intensity
4.5 Time of action and course of treatment
4.6 Choosing the areas to act upon and time of treatment
4.7 Principles of recovery in SCENAR - therapy
4.8 Dynamics of body-reactions
4.9 SCENAR - exacerbations
4.10 Markers (signs) of recovery
4.11 Basic methods of treatment
4.12 Compatibility with other kinds of treatment
1. Disorders of digestive system
2. Disorders of urinary system
3. Obstetrical-gynecologic disorders
4. Disorders of male urogenital system
5. Cardrovascular system disorders
6. Disorders of hematopoietic system
7. Disorders of maxillodental system and oral cavity
8. Disorders of nervous system
9. Disorders of musculoskeletal system
10. Disorders of otorhinolaryngological organs
11. Disorders of organs of vision
12. Disorders of respiratory organs
13. Cosmetology
14. Surgical disorders
15. Oncology
16. Urgent therapy and reanimantion
This textbook was created by
the inventor of SCENAR Karasev A. A.
and SCENAR - therapist Aleshin S. V.
Disclaimer: The information presented herein is intended to provide education about topics of general interest in the nutritional and nutraceutical areas. It is not intended as medical advice.
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